Monday, 29 June 2009

Server Management Division created

Hello Everyone,

Effective July 1st 2009, I hereby create the Server Management division of This division will operate independently from AJJE Games proper. The main function of this division will to take over several functions that are currently performed by the AJJE Webmaster Director. These functions include managing the domain and sub domain index pages, space management, server backups, FTP access, mail forwards, maintainance, PARS, and general webhosting issues.

I will serve as the head of the Server Management division in the role of Senior Webmaster. I am lucky to have Alexius Pendragon also come aboard as a Webmaster in this new division. Alexius has assisted me prior to this during past injection code attacks. He has a wealth of knowledge and I look forward to what he will bring to the table.

The short term goal of this division is to distinguish and organize functions it will be handling, as well as create the tools neccesary for AJJE Games to maintain local behind the scenes functions independent of Server Management. Long term goals will include the automating of key maintaince functions as well as any other future tasks requested by the President Elect.

Server Management will reside on the below address and any other future developments will be displayed in the "Current News" section.

Alex Verdusco
President, AJJE Games

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Daniel Taylor becomes SFHQ GM Support Director

Congrats to Daniel Taylor for becoming our first GM Support director in a long time.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Teddie Dollins becomes VP Development

AJJE Games President Elect Jeannette Giesbrecht is pleased to announce the appointment of Teddie Dollins as VP Development. Teddie will be taking over the position from Jeannette, who's held it for the past year.

Teddie has been a member of AJJE for many years, during which time she's has played in several of its clubs. Most recently, she was one of the co-developers of Ride the Edge, and served as Ride the Edge's first Ops Leader. Her history and deep understanding of RTE are strengths that she brings to the position of VP Development.

Congratulations, Teddie!

Jeannette Giesbrecht and Alex Verdusco

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

All Good Things Must Come To End... Alex Verdusco to step down as AJJE President

Hello Everyone,

On October 1st 2005 I became the first president of AJJE Games... and since then it has been a wild ride.

For almost four years I have watched as AJJE grew from one roleplaying club to four. I have watched as our player count increased from thirty players to well over two hundred. And I have watched as people all over the globe came together to form a community around this thing we call AJJE Games. There were good times, and challenging times, but overall, we came out okay in the end. I also firmly believe that AJJE Games has a long and fruitful journey ahead of it, and I would love to be at the helm of it for many years to come. However... I also believe its my most important role as the first president of AJJE Games is to establish precedents. A blue print if you will for the future.

And that is why, I will set the precedent that an AJJE Games President shall only serve a single four year term.

Therefore, effective October 1st 2009, I will be stepping down as the President of AJJE Games. In order to establish a smooth transition, I will also establish the precedent that the President Elect shall transition into the Presidency over the final three months of the current Presidential term. The President Elect will begin to take over management of the day to day operations during this time period, as well as install her team of Vice Presidents.

With that said, it is with great pleasure that I announce Jeannette Geisbrecht will be taking on the role as President Elect. Jeannette has been with AJJE Games since late 2006. Jeannette has served as a previous Vice President of Operations, and more recently as Vice President of Development. During her tenure as VP of Development she personally drove the transition of RTE from Martial Law to a full fledged club.

It was a challenging task, but I think everyone will say she came out of it with high marks. I believe under Jeannette's leadership, we will see a different style and approach then my own, and I am looking forward to the outcome.

As my last act as President, I will be creating a set of Guiding Principles for AJJE Games as a whole. These principles will set in stone some of the basic framework and policies that are currently in use by the AJJE Games government today. It will have a large section focused on the operations of the AJJE Games Senior Leadership, a section mandating the continuance of core AJJE programs, particulars of a license agreement between myself and AJJE Games for the use of PARS, and the establishment of a Board of Founders that will be the equivalent to a Board of Directors for a corporation. I believe a solid framework will not only smooth the operations of future presidential terms, but also set the bar for them as well.

In conclusion, even though some parts of my four year term were unbearingly challenging, I have no regrets, and would do it all over again. I still remember late night chats with Jessica McClary and Edgar Cramer about SFHQ, as we dared to dream it up. I still remember the awe as the clubs grew into an entity all their own. We have come a long way since then, but I believe the core principles are still strong and true.

So I hope to have everyone's support during the transition and you will hear from me again!

Alex Verdusco
President, AJJE Games

SGU Elections

It is election time!

The time to pick your club leaders has come again. Get involved! Nominations have started in the Election Ship, and once those are over there will be time to ask questions to help you decide which people you want running your club. So get your nominations in while they're being allowed, and prepare your questions for the people who accept the nominations. A proper election can only happen with the proper involvement.

Megan Schultz
Senate Leader

Sunday, 14 June 2009

New LOTW Ship Design up for review

I am glad to announced that we have a new ship to be review.

The ship was posted 2009-06-13 08:58:18. So please come by tech support and have your say about it.

Jamie Dockmaster

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Jud Bennett becomes Section 31 CO

Appointment 82: - 2009-06-03 21:29:03

Due to an absense longer than the outlined 30 day limit as mentioned in the guiding principles, Chris Chan Roberson is hereby removed from command of Section 31.

Jud Bennett is also hereby assigned as Commanding Officer of Section 31, as he has held the CO post in the past, he does not require a promotion.

Good luck Jud!

Anna-Lyn Signey becomes USS Atlantis CO

Appointment 81: - 2009-05-30 15:08:52

Due to the resignation of Chris Wilkinson, the Atlantis in Fleet Four is in need of a new CO.

On the recommendation of the fleet four flag officer and vote of the council, Anna-Lyn Signey is hereby awarded command of the USS Atlantis, as she has previously served as a CO, she does not require a promotion.

~Kat Dedul
Commander in Chief

Marine Force Recon closed

Appointment 80 (I hope my counting is correct here, if not apologies LOL): - 2009-05-30 15:05:49

On the recommendation of the fleet four flag officer, Marine Force Recon is regrettably closed.

~Kat Dedul
Commander in Chief

Friday, 5 June 2009

Changes In Support Services

Support Services are pleased to announce a number of changes.
Jessica McClary has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Know the Edge newsletter, replacing Alia Gorden. Alia's work on the newsletter was instrumental in getting the concept off the ground, but real life obligations have obliged her to step aside. Our thanks to Alia for her time and effort. Jess appoints Jeannette Giesbrecht as co-editor, replacing Samantha Nelson. Their plans for the newsletter are exciting, and it looks set to really become an integral part of the wider AJJE community!
Euan Reid replaces Chris Wilkinson as Bebo group moderator. Chris' initiatives building the Bebo group were truly inspired, and Euan is the man to take the group to yet greater heights. We are waiting on Bebo for Euan to gain administrative access.
Additionally, MySpace moderator Mischa Brendell and Facebook moderator Nicholas Palmer will be pioneering some new approaches to administrating their social networking groups, so users with Facebook and MySpace accounts should look out for developments there. For instance, there will soon be a MySpace group for each AJJE club, which new club-specific moderators will invite members to join. Similarly, there will soon be club-specific moderators serving the Facebook group and providing regular updates on events and activities related to that club and genre. Already, Euan Reed has been appointed RTE Liaison moderator for Facebook and Jess McClary has been appointed SGU Liaison moderator for MySpace. Mischa and Nick will be serving as Chief Moderators and as Liaison moderators for LOTW.
Volunteers for the remaining positions should email me at and your application will be forwarded to the relevant Chief moderator. (We still need SFHQ Liaison moderators for both Facebook and MySpace, an RTE Liaison moderator for MySpace, and an SGU Liaison moderator for Facebook).
Finally, a word of personal thanks to the team past and present for all your hard work.
Ashley Leighton Plom
VP Support

Monday, 1 June 2009

LOTW Election Nominations Open

Nominations are open for the elections in the Election Ship. Please post the names of any LOTW members you think suitable for any of the four elected positions: Parliament Leader, Technical Support Director, Member Support Director, and Cortex Lounge Mod.

Donation Recognition Page

"AJJE Games is pleased to announce the creation of the Donor Recognition Page - to honor those who have made donations to AJJE Games. AJJE also recognizes its newest donor, Jamie Chamberlain, and thanks him for his contribution in the tough economic conditions many of us face today.

The Donation Recognition Page can be seen linked to the Intranet, or at

Alex Verdusco
AJJE President

Lyndsay Jarvis becomes VP Anchor Clubs

Hello Everyone,

This week I accepted the resignation of Jessica McClary from the position of Vice President of Anchor Clubs. As many of you know, Jessica, as well as an original founder, has served in AJJE Games in numerous positions, including Vice President of Operations, and Vice President of Administration. In all the positions she has held, Jessica has carried herself with grace and earned respect from those that have worked with her. I am happy to report Jessica will continue to have input on the direction of AJJE Games in a new capacity in the months to come.

I am also happy to report that effective immediately Lyndsay Jarvis will be assuming the role of Vice President of Anchor Clubs. Lyndsay joined AJJE Games in 2007 and currently serves as an operational leader in LOTW. She previously served on the Administration side of LOTW as Election Coordinator, presiding over mulitple General Elections. As Operational Leader she works with the COs of multiple sims on a daily basis and as Election Coordinator she has earned a reputation as being even handed, logical, and always prompt.

On behalf of everyone in the Senior Leadership, I welcome Lyndsay to the Vice President position, and thank Jessica for assisting us in a smooth transition.

Alex Verdusco
AJJE President

AJJE Games Webmaster Vacancy

AJJE Games is currently looking for candidates to serve as a site wide Webmaster.

Required Skills: PHP, MySQL, HTML
Pluses, but not required: Previous work as Club Level Webmaster

Please send applications in the first instance to Deborah Leighton Plom - and put Webmaster Position in the subject line.


Alex Verdusco
Webmaster Director