Appointment 86:
As anyone familiar with the Vindicator is aware, the SSR numbers for that ship have been in terrible shape for the last few months, if not more. So it has become apparently obvious that a change in command is needed in order for the ship to succeed.
On the recommendation of the fourth fleet flag officer, and a vote by this council, I hereby appoint Silent Hunter CO of the Vindicator with the rank equivilent of Commander(I'm not quite sure how that rank will play out in the Klingon rank systems, Lt. Colonel or Major I would wager).
Congrats and good luck Silent!
C in C
Friday, 30 October 2009
Silent Hunter replaces Henry Cooke as CO of IKV Vindicator
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Teddie Dollins rejoins RTE Council of Elders
Appointment #35
With the vacancy caused by the removal of Haru Haseo from the Council of Elders it is my pleasure to welcome Teddie Dollins back to the Council of Elders.
Haru Haseo removed from Council of Elders
Appointment #34
While Haru Haseo has been a valuable member of the Council of Elders he has failed to respond to multiple emails regarding Council business which according to the AJJE Games GP makes him AWOL in his position as a member of the Council. Therefore effective immediately Haru Haseo is being removed as a member of the Council of Elders.
Chris Backman becomes Second Fleet Flag Officer in SFHQ
Appointment #85:
Due to the absence and removal of Brad Adam from Starfleet Command and flag officer of fleet two, we are in need of a fourth member of our council and a flag officer for fleet two.
By vote of this council, I hereby assign Chris Backman the position of flag officer for fleet two and therefore a sitting member of Starfleet Command.
Congrats Chris!
C in C
Sunday, 18 October 2009
LOTW Resolution #29
Resolution #29
LOTW voted on whether the Election Coordinator must appoint an Assistant Election Coordinator within 30 days of assuming office, so as to keep the Election Ship department in line with all other administrative departments.
The results are 35 in favour, 1 opposed, and 8 abstained. The motion is therefore passed.
This successful resolution vote secures a failsafe to ensure the smooth running of elections and resolutions.
Out of our current 85 members, 44 voters is a 51.76% turnout - not too shabby at all!
Our last voted Resolution was actually in May (Resolution 20, Plom 2 administration), and back then we had 25 votes out of 99 registered members; 25.25%. We may be seeing a trend, too - there were some 33 voters in the elections in July.
This is great news for the club, a good sign of our ongoing commitment to democracy. The Administration will be analysing turn-out from the club's RPEs so we can congratulate those COs who have achieved high turn-outs and encourage those COs who might need some pointers on how to make sure their players know about their right to vote.
Ashley Leighton Plom
Parliament Leader
October 15th, 2009
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Server Management Position Open
Server Management has an opening for someone interested in working on
the technical side of AJJE Games. Candidates should be fluent in HTML,
with PHP experience a definite asset. Please e-mail Alex Verdusco at
Saturday, 10 October 2009
The Triple Zero To Close Without Opening
Appointment #33
Due to the fact that The Triple Zero has not progressed as an RPE since its
inception, having only had one post since Appointment #29 which named its SL
we the Council of Elders have decided to have this RPE removed from RTE.