Saturday 28 February 2009


As several of you should very well know, we have sites like MySpace and LiveJournal where we have groups that are associated with AJJE Games. But one down side is that you have to join the website to be involved.

Well, as a member of the internet community, I am offering you another option.

I recently finished making a few edits on a forum I created to make it a multi-group site, making room for anyone from SGU to go and hang out if they would like. An entire section just purely devoted to Stargate, though it is encouraged to also post in the other section and meet new people from the other group.

You do not need to create an account on the site to be able to read and create posts.

I really want to make that detail clear, as that is one thing you have to do on sites like MySpace. Obviously you need to if you want things like post signatures, but it isn't required for the basics.

The website is named miniGeek, and is at (If you have any troubles getting to the website by copying and pasting the URL, please email me.)

I really hope some of you are interested and come check it out, as I hope this site expands to hold a lot more members than it currently does.

-Megan Schultz

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