Sunday 8 November 2009

LOTW Player of the Month Awards for September and October


I've added a new 'topic' to Parliament's posting options, that being Awards. As many of you will no doubt recall, AJJE's founding President Alex Verdusco rolled out an award system to go live on the first October this year, and we in LOTW discussed over the summer how we would handle the thing.

After the discussion (concluding in post 2009-08-07 09:18:26), we had decided on a monthly award, to be called Player of the Month (PotM), determined by an Awards Committee consisting of the Chief Area Leader or her or his designated proxy, and the elected administration department heads or their designated proxies (the elected heads are the Parliament Leader, the Technical Support Director, the Member Support Director, and the Cortex Lounge Moderator), following nominations by the membership. Each month's award will be posted in Parliament by about the 10th of the following month.

Criterior for the PotM nominations and awards are entirely flexible - characterisation, commitment, furtherance of the storyline, considerate playing, etc.; all these factors and more can feature in our decision making process.

As the award system went live on October 1st, the LOTW Awards Committee petitioned AJJE President Jeannette Giesbrecht to be allowed to award a PotM for September, effectively to be decided by the 10th of October. She granted our request, and as such we are today in the unique position of being able to give out two awards - PotM for September, and PotM for October.

Each Player of the Month award will be worth 500 points on the AJJE Points scheme ( I.e., it will be possible for a single LOTW player to earn up to 6,000 points over the year on PotM awards alone (500 x 12 = 6,000).

The nominations for September are *drum roll*:

Grant Hall and Mischa Brendel.

And the nominations for October are *drum roll*:

David Un and Kevin Diamond.

All four players are assets to our club, and the Committee felt that they deserved special recognition. It would also be fair to say there were many other players in our club who are consistently above the AJJE average, but we wanted to especially recognise some outstanding folk for certain criteria through these awards.

So, without further ado... the winner for September is...

A man who stepped up to the plate when the Claudia needed him, gave up his command of the Whisper to Angus, even though he had already begun to reorganize and strengthen that sim... he took over the ailing Claudia and brought it back up into the Healthy range before month's end...

It's Mischa Brendel!

Congratulations, Mischa. *hands Mischa the first ever LOTW PotM award ribbon*

And now... the winner for October is...

A man who has played a major part in bringing the Bo to the head of the SSRs. He's a fairly new player, but has already made such an impact in sims and OOC arenae not just in LOTW but already across the network. His great play on Akers alone might well be considered worthy of a PotM award...

It's David Un!

Congratulations, David. *hands David the PotM award ribbon for October*


The Awards Committee will also be looking into adding a facility to the Parliament MOTD whereby players can nominate anonymously, and we will also be considering a monthly awards ceremony hosted on the IM. This might additionally provide us with a forum for a monthly club meeting, the transcript of which would be made available here in Parliament. We welcome your thoughts and comments.

Finally, we are also considering the possibility of handing out an additional three awards at the end of each year as special recognitions for various things. These awards would also be worth 500 points each, but would not be Player of the Month awards specifically. Perhaps they could be given to the most exceptional CO, GM, and new player, or something similar?

On behalf of the LOTW Awards Committee

Ashley Leighton Plom,
Parliament Leader

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