Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Latest RPing News 2

The latest low-down on what's going on in the RPing world of AJJE.

Leaf on the Wind
Freedom of Wealth: The Freedom of Wealth is full of mystery and intrigue. Our chief purser has been shot by one of his assistants and his other assistant is dead in the infirmary, foul play is suspected. The engineering team has also found a device attached to the engines that was apparently designed by the XO's corporation to alter our course installed with the help of one of the black gang.
IPS Dakota: After a prison ship transporting Hashim, the purported head of the criminal organization known as the Syndicate goes missing, the crew of the Dakota is sent to Athens to discover the fate of the ship and re-apprehend Hashim. Little do they know that the Raug'Moss, which also has ties to Hashim, is docked at Athens. They will be getting more than they expected.
Shadow: After successfully hijacking the Tain Bo Cuailnge on Akers Bluff the pirate crew of the newly christened Shadow have arrived at the pirate controlled space station True Port to recruiter and upgrade the ship to better suit its use for piracy.
Claudia: After a narrow escape from Reavers, the battered Claudia – low on fuel, parts and supplies – has found her way to Regina, where the crew is hoping for a job. But why are so many pirate ships surrounding the moon?
Elemental: A salvage vessel - an older model - crewed with misfits and the rudderless lost, eking out a living as best they can between the Core and the raggedy edge. Currently refitting as a mercenary band of vigilantes for hire, turning the ship's sensor suite and powerful salvage arms to finding and taking down the badguys...
St. Michael: While picking up the pieces in Shatytown after the fire, a small posse including the Dockmaster and members of the Governor’s staff are out to shut down a child slavery ring. Meanwhile the folks from the electronics shop narrowly escape capture after killing the lowlife that set them up. Rick tries to coerce Virgil into a risky raid on the Blue Sun facility at Rocky Hollow.
Raug'Moss: A damaged ship seeks mechanics, but other things are coming too... that want the ship.
Prinz Eugen: The Fire Team is currently on Haven attempting to assist the rebels there as they conduct an uprising against the Corsair King. The Prinz Eugen herself is just beginning a high speed chase through the Black, as we pursue the Corsair King's personal vessel.
Independence Camp: The Independent forces were responding to a distress call off planet. Due to the vanishing of our GM for the length of time, I took it upon myself to drop the plot and go with a ship in distress (us) idea. We were hit by a chunk of debris, myself knocked unconscious, and am currently relying on my unreliable crew to keep the plot going. We are falling through atmo with a hull breech and precious little posting to keep us from being Reaver-bait.

Ride The Edge
Covert-81: A new thrilling tale is about to begin as Chameleon have to win an auction and Section 91 must infiltrate one of the most heavily-defended areas on Earth...

Starfleet Headquarters
USS Resolution: The crew of the Resolution aborts their planetary survey to rescue the first officer who was transported to a distant world. The young crew and their reptilian captain must overcome their difference to ascertain the potential threat by an advanced alien culture.
IKV Vindicator: While arriving on a Federation ship, the crew of this Klingon vessel encounter a Cardassian attack. The Cardassians are encountering something else...

Stargate Universe
SGU-2: Major Wuthering 'Worthy' Summers has assembled a large team of crack personnel for exploring the Milky Way. Encounters have included Anglo-Romans with guns, astral projection, spiritual manifestations, and a kraken at a beach party.
SGU-3: It is a sim that has been restarted after almost being shut down, due to non activity. The sim can be now called the Experimental Unit, they use this unit as Guinea Pigs, so come & be part of the great experiment.
Argos: The crew tackle the moral dilemma over whether to intervene in a planetary war.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Jeannette Giesbrecht becomes SFHQ Member Support Director

Resolution 26

I here by appoint Jeannette Giesbrecht to the position of Member Support Director.

Please welcome and give her your full support.

Peter Granger CCP

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Edgar Cramer moves to new Harry Potter sim Diagon Alley

Appointment #56

Edgar Cramer is hereby relieved as SL of Hogwarts.



Appointment #57

It is with great pride that we the Council of Elders are able to introduce another second sim for a genre in RTE. This sim is Diagon Alley and it will be part of the Harry Potter Genre.

Edgar Cramer will be taking the position of SL of Diagon Alley.

Congratulations Edgar, make us proud.


Appointment #58

Due to Edgar's removal as SL of Hogwarts in order for him to take the role of SL at Diagon Alley the Council of Elders looked at two candidates to take over as the SL of Hogwarts.

The first candidate was Alexius ('Lex) Pendragon. 'Lex was considered due to the fact that he was the original SL of Hogwarts and under his guidance Hogwarts reigned as the best Sim of RTE for many months often appearing in the top five of the SSR's.

The second candidate was Dondi Ratliff. Dondi served as the ASL under Edgar and has excelled in keeping the Sim moving in one direction or another as well as handling the wonderful job of contacting new members on the roster and assisting them in getting acclimated into the sim.

The members of the Council felt that either the original SL or the current ASL would do a great job of keeping Hogwarts as one of the strongest sims in RTE.

So after many debates as well as many listings of pros and cons it was finally decided to offer the new SL the position.

So without further adieu it is with great pride and deepest pleasure that we the Council of Elders appoint Dondi Ratliff to the position of Sim Leader of Hogwarts.

Along with this promotion to SL Dondi is also hereby promoted to the rank of Apprentice.

Congratulations Dondi, make us proud.


Jamie Chamberlain elected to Board of Founders

Over the last few months Board Member Edgar Cramer has led a search for a replacement for the open Board of Founder spot which resulted from Jessica McClary's retirement from AJJE Games. The Board wishes her well in all she does and took the task of replacing her seriously. Almost a dozen potential candidates were reviewed. Of those, a half dozen or so were given a set of questions by the Board of Founders and in some cases asked follow up questions.

We are pleased to announce that Jamie Chamberlain has been elected to the Board of Founders effective immediately. Jamie joined AJJE Games in April of 2006, almost four years ago. Jamie was one of the original players to join his home club, LOTW, when it had its grand opening in March of 2006. Since that time he has served as a CO in LOTW as well as one of the Operational Leaders of the Operations Team in LOTW.

In accordance with the AJJE Guiding Principles, the 20% ownership in AJJE Games that was once held by Jessica McClary shall transfer over to Jamie Chamberlain and he shall have one vote in all situations requiring a Board of Founder vote.

Please join us in welcoming Jamie to the Board of Founders.


Alex Verdusco
Edgar Cramer
Jud Bennett

LOTW votes to update Administration Handbook

Resolution #35

LOTW voted that we update the Administration Handbook, essentially because there are a couple of things that could do with being added (like the job description for the OOC Lounge Moderators and how that department works). The Handbook itself can be found linked from the MOTD here in Parliament.

The vote results are as follows:

For: 44
Against: 1
Abstain: 7

The Resolution has therefore passed!

The total turnout percent was 67.5% (56 out of some 83 members), a significant increase on the 60.27% of our last election (44 voters out of 73 members)!

It may also be worth mentioning that within four days of voting, we had ten of our fourteen sims at over 50% turn-out, and four at over 70%. About half a week later we had our first sim reach 100% turn-out. By the close of voting, some sims had soared up the 'turn-out league', and we had two at 100%, eight at over 75%, and all our sims had reached at least 50% turn-out.

Something Election Coordinator Robert Longtin said during the campaign to publicise the vote really spoke to me. He shared with the COs the turn-out percentages and called it their "personal contribution". I'm so moved by this, it is so true. Our turning out to vote on issues that direct our club is our personal contribution to the growth and success of this awesome community.

It's my pleasure to serve you. The best is still ahead.

Ashley Leighton Plom
Parliament Leader
March 26th, 2010

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Alliance Camp to close

The Leaders of the Wave have determined that due to continuous low participation rates and a general lack of enthusiam, the Alliance Camp of OTOP's Unification War is to be deactivated and its players transferred to other active sims. The Independent Camp will comntinue, as it is a viable sim with an active story line and players.

Mike Palmer
Chief Area Leader

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Paul Baker replaces Jeannette Giesbrecht as SL of The Mallard Club

Appointment #55

Jeannette Giesbrecht has decided to step down as the SL of The Mallard Club.

The Council of Elders looked at the remaining participants of the RPE feel we made a wise decision when we asked Paul Baker to replace Jeannette as SL.

So without further ado it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that the Council hereby promotes Paul Baker to the Rank of Apprentice and places him as the SL of The Mallard Club.

Congratulations Paul, make us proud!

Head Elder

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Michael Parks becomes CO of SGU-3; Promoted to Captain

Appointment #64

As of March 1, 2010, Michael has been given command of SGU-3. To reflect this, he has also been awarded the rank of Captain with all right and privileges therein.

Congratulations, Michael and good luck.

Anna-Lyn Signey
4 March, 2010

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Peter Granger becomes new CCP of SFHQ

Resolution 26

As of 21:32 PST on 2/Mar/2010, I hereby transfer the position of Council Chair-Person, and all the rights and responsibilities of the position, to my worthy successor Peter Granger.

CCP Catt Bennett

Peter Granger beat William Smith 11-7 in the election.