Saturday 27 March 2010

Edgar Cramer moves to new Harry Potter sim Diagon Alley

Appointment #56

Edgar Cramer is hereby relieved as SL of Hogwarts.



Appointment #57

It is with great pride that we the Council of Elders are able to introduce another second sim for a genre in RTE. This sim is Diagon Alley and it will be part of the Harry Potter Genre.

Edgar Cramer will be taking the position of SL of Diagon Alley.

Congratulations Edgar, make us proud.


Appointment #58

Due to Edgar's removal as SL of Hogwarts in order for him to take the role of SL at Diagon Alley the Council of Elders looked at two candidates to take over as the SL of Hogwarts.

The first candidate was Alexius ('Lex) Pendragon. 'Lex was considered due to the fact that he was the original SL of Hogwarts and under his guidance Hogwarts reigned as the best Sim of RTE for many months often appearing in the top five of the SSR's.

The second candidate was Dondi Ratliff. Dondi served as the ASL under Edgar and has excelled in keeping the Sim moving in one direction or another as well as handling the wonderful job of contacting new members on the roster and assisting them in getting acclimated into the sim.

The members of the Council felt that either the original SL or the current ASL would do a great job of keeping Hogwarts as one of the strongest sims in RTE.

So after many debates as well as many listings of pros and cons it was finally decided to offer the new SL the position.

So without further adieu it is with great pride and deepest pleasure that we the Council of Elders appoint Dondi Ratliff to the position of Sim Leader of Hogwarts.

Along with this promotion to SL Dondi is also hereby promoted to the rank of Apprentice.

Congratulations Dondi, make us proud.


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