Wednesday 5 November 2008

Upcoming Resolutions for LOTW

From Ash Plom, new Parliament Leader for Leaf on the Wind:

Cool, I just processed the Club Report for October (a thing the PL has to send to AJJE for number crunching so AJJE the site can see how LOTW the club is doing in terms of new members, member retention, etc.), and it felt good to be getting back in the saddle.

Hold on to your horses, folks, you're in for a fast ride! Resolution discussions forthcoming on the following topics:

1. Confirming the Administration Handbook (linked from here in Parliament) as permanent for LOTW. The guidelines in the handbook are already constitutional, but the administrative purpose of voting on them would be that any future PL would have to run a Resolution to annul the Handbook before making any changes or scrapping it completely. (It may be that I make some minor changes to the current handbook before running this vote).

2. A similar Resolution confirming the Election Coordinator Guidelines for the same reason. The club has a fine democratic tradition, and part of this ongoing process will be confirming our constitution as pertaining to the electoral process.

3. Possibly a Resolution on the application screening procedure previously used by myself as AMS under Lucy Clark during Louis Justman's term as PL, used also by Deborah Crawford Leighton as MSD, and Dan McLaughlin and Olee Bass as AMS's, whereby applicants are sometimes declined their first choice of character name, for various carefully considered reasons. This one might need a bit more discussion than the others before it goes to the vote, as a fair few people are doubtless unaware of how the application process is done, and might baulk at the idea of turning people away on a technicality. (I don't know if Amy or Will employed this approach?) Anyway, yeah, we'll discuss it.

4. We might also consider running a Resolution on adding a CO Liaison Officer to Parliament. This was a discussion some of you will remember I started last winter, but ran out of time before my term of office ended at the start of this year and I didn't stand for re-election.

5. If the admin team find we're loving the reigns of power in a few months time *wink*, we might well run a Resolution extending LOTW's administration terms to a year. SFHQs terms of office are twelve months, and SGU is currently running a Resolution to extend their term from eight months to twelve, but LOTW terms are still set at eight. This is certainly something we could all discuss.

6. As a balance to number five, we might also consider running a Resolution to limit the number of terms of office an elected official can run for. Again, SFHQ is the model here - their Resolution #3, I believe. However, they recently repealed it by means of a later Resolution, so the trend seems to be away from this.


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