Saturday 22 August 2009

Alliance Camp Recruitment Ad (LOTW)

Hey Folks! Do you ever get tired of havinging no coin in your pocket after a hard day's work. Are you sick of signing on to another underpowered, out gunned and on the run freighter to make ends meet. Come play with the Big Guns. The Alliance Camp is looking for people that like good pay, good food and all the latest gadgets the Verse has to offer.

Help defend humanity for the rogues and brigands of the Independent Movement. Uphold Civlization and bring progress to your fellow man. The Alliance needs you!

Imagine playing in a verse where everything works, is clean and shiny. You know someone's always got your back, because there are a lot more of us than there are of them.

Loyal hardworking Alliance Troops are currently trying to uproot the Brownie thugs from the planet Verbena. We need you! Apply to Alliance Recruiting in your sector.

That is all.

Kevin Diamond

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